Saturday, June 06, 2009

Italy calls Miami

To our American friends (hoping you will visit our blog). It was a pleasure meeting you in Munich, we hope you had a safe flight back and we are looking forward to coming to Miami.
We are pleased to have you as visitors of our wonderful blog.
For all the Italian people. This post will not be translated, this is a good moment to start studying English.

Department of Foreign Affairs

P.S: For Italian people 2: io ci la va, la gh'a i gamb..


Cialtroni said...

Vai Omar, pesta su le foto che ho ricevuto pressioni oltreoceano!
Selezionale come sai fare solo tu!
Tenetevi forte che si parte. Non aggiungo altro

Unknown said...

Hello from the American Embassy! It was very nice to meet you as well and we are happy that you wrote to us on your blog. We look forward to your visit to the States and hope that we may one day come to Milan.

-the American Girls-

paolomar von bramati said...

I like boilers!
Bagai se queschi ca'l scrif l'è gigi mi so ronaldigno!